Before & After School Program
The Before School and After School programs provide a safe and enriching environment for students in pre-K through grade 6. Note, enrollment is intended for consistent, long-term use and should not be used for short terms or for the purpose of children participating in extracurricular activities.
- Monday through Friday when school is in session
- Before School Program (pre-K through grade 6): 7:05 a.m.-8:35 a.m.
- Bus transportation is not provided to the Before School Program; parents must transport their children.
- Parents must not drop their children off before 7:05 a.m.
- In the event the start of school is delayed by one or two hours, the start time of the Before School Program will also be delayed. For example, if the district announces a two-hour delay, the Before School Program will open at 9:05 a.m. that day.
- After School Program (pre-K through grade 6): Dismissal time until 5:30 p.m.
- Bus transportation is not provided from the After School Program; parents must transport their children.
- Parents must pick up their children promptly at the pick-up time they indicated on the enrollment form.
- Parents picking up their children after 5:30 p.m. will be assessed a $25 late fee. If parents regularly pick up their children late, the children will be dismissed from the program.
- Parents who are unable to pick up their children by the agreed upon time must make arrangements to have their children picked up by a person designated on the enrollment form.
- If school is closed early because of an emergency situation (i.e., inclement weather, power outage), children will be bused to the destination indicated on the emergency closing form completed at the beginning of the school year. The After School Program will most likely remain open if school closes early because of the weather. Please pay careful attention to any notification you receive about an emergency or early school closing.
Both the Before and After School programs are held at B-P Elementary School (1870 Co. Highway 107, Amsterdam, NY 12010)
Registration is required a minimum of seven business days prior to the child beginning either program. Parents will receive confirmation of enrollment before their child begins the program. To enroll:
- Pick up an application in the main office at your child’s school, OR
- Review the programs’ payment policy and fee schedules AND
- Download the Before School Program Enrollment Forms AND/OR
- Download the After School Program Enrollment Forms
Mail your forms and the registration fee(s) to:
B-P Elementary School
Attn: Kimberly Buchanan
1870 Co. Highway 107
Amsterdam, NY 12010
OR email your forms to and pay your enrollment fees at
Additional Information
If a child who attends the Before School Program or After School Program is restricted in their activity because of medical or other reasons, the parent or guardian should write a note and speak with program personnel to address the child’s specific needs.
Parents and guardians should label all children’s school bags, lunch bags, clothing, and personal articles.
Children participating in the Before School Program must be dropped off no earlier than 7:05 a.m. If parents or guardians regularly drop off their children before 7:05, the children will be dismissed from the program.
Children participating in the After School Program must be picked up no later than 5:30 p.m. Parents who pick up their children after 5:30 will be charged a $25 late fee. If parents regularly pick up their children after 5:30, the children will be dismissed from the program.
If anyone other than a parent is to pick up a child from the After School Program, the parent must provide written permission to program staff.
No medication will be dispensed during the Before School Program or After School Program. First aid will be administered by staff for all minor injuries. If a major injury or problem occurs, parents will be notified immediately. Local emergency services may be called.
Children participating in the Before School Program may purchase breakfast at the cafeteria. Parents who do not want their children to purchase breakfast should notify Before School Program personnel.
Children participating in the After School Program will receive an afternoon snack, free of charge.
More Information
Kimberly Buchanan
BSP/ASP Coordinator
If you have difficulty accessing any of the information on this page, please contact Kimberly Buchanan at 518-954-2700 or